Entrepreneurs from Koprivnica, brothers Marijan and Matija Wolf, found a workshop for fruit processing and a jam factory, a forerunner of Podravka.

One of Podravka buildings in the 1940's when it was an oil refinery.

Wolf brothers workshop becomes socially owned and gets the name Podravka, which it has even today.

Podravka starts producing fine jams.

New Podravka products production start; candied fruits, jelly candies, mustard, ketchup, fruit syrup, fruit wines, dried vegetables, sterilized string beans and peas, meat cans.

Production of famous Podravka soups start.

Production of classic Chicken and Beef soup starts. The rooster on Podravka Chicken soup becomes a symbol of good domestic soup which is cooked for only 5 minutes and is an excellent help to a busy housewife. That year the Chicken and Beef soups were exhibited for the first time at the Zagreb Fair.

Prof. Zlata Bartl together with its team creates Vegeta - renowend all-purpose food seasoning, produced for more than 60 years and sold in more than 60 countries, on all five continents.

Podravka exhibition booth at the Zagreb Fair.

Podravka advertisement for Chicken and Beef soup and product range.

10 new packet soups launched to the market.

Packaging of VEGETA 40 was added with the character of chef, and till this day it has become one of the most recognizable elements of Vegeta's packaging.

First cooperations with foreign partners. Vegeta first exported to Hungary and Russia.

Čokolino production start, and later other flavours of baby food, with the image of Lino the bear.

Water botling plant Lipik becomes part Podravke. Water was then known as "natural mineral water" the name "Lipički studenac" it gets in 1973. The first written trace of mineral water and its use appeared in 1708, when there were four springs of mineral water.

15 new soups launced to the market

In Ludbreg next to Koprivnica, Belupo company founded and pharmaceuticals production begins.

Building with the name Podravka on its top is even today a part of Podravka's production facilities.

As part of Danica industrial zone Podravka's meat complex - today's Danica meat industry is built.

"Little secrets of great chefs" are first aired on TV.

Publishing of Vegeta books of recipes begins.

Advertisement for Podravka French Soup.

A detail from Podravka exhibition booth at Zagreb Fair.

Belupo, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics factory, built as part of the industrial zone Danica in Koprivnica.
Podravka becomes a shareholding company.
Podravka shares listed on the Official Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange.

Mineral water gets the name "Studenac".

Production of "Studena" - natural spring water begins.
New Vegeta factory opened in Koprivnica and Vegeta, soups and powder products factory opened in Poland.
Podravka takes over Ital-Ice from Poreč, a manufacturer of fine ice-creams, sweets and frozen food distributor.

Podravka takes over the Czech company Lagris.
New factory Podravka Meals opened in Danica industrial zone.

Eva brand acquired.
Building of the new baby food factory starts.

Podravka purchases Polish brands Warzywko and Perfekta, and Croatian brand Lero.

50th birthday of Podravka soups.

New warehouse and distribution center opened in Dugopolje.

50th anniversary of renowned Podravka brand - Vegeta. Compliant to the golden number of its existence, the jubilean "golden Vegeta“ was produced, and a special episode of "Little secrets of great chefs of cuisine" was also filmed.

Podravka acquires Belsad brand.

In cooperation with the City of Koprivnica, Podravka starts the project of "Healthy menus" intended for pupils.

Vegeta Croatia Open Umag - new name of the biggest Croatian ATP tournament.

50th birthday of Podravka newsletter, a unique monthly publication in Croatia, with the tradition of longer than half a century.
Podravka i Institute Ruđer Bošković in joint creation of Food innovation center.

In the year when Podravka's culinary web site Coolinarika.com celebrates its 10th anniversary, the number of its registered users reaches 100.000.

With the campaign "Tastes for all languages", Podravka celebrates Croatian accession to the EU.

Culinary show "Lunch for tomorrow with Podravka" the most viewed culinary TV show in Croatia.
Žito company acquisition (brands Žito, Zlato polje, Natura, Gorenjka, 1001 cvet, Šumi, Maestro)
With the campaign „We know where we are going, because we know where we come from“ Podravka celebrated 70 years of its existence