Always with heart

We find the trust of our consumers our biggest success. We have built it for decades and thanks to it we have become a leading food brand in the region.

Podravka, one of the leading companies in Southeast, Central and Eastern Europe, was established in 1947 on the foundations of a former jam and fruit processing plant owned by the Wolf brothers. Headquartered in Koprivnica, today it operates as the Podravka Group in two main business segments: food and pharmaceuticals.  Consumers in more than 40 countries worldwide have recognised the value of our products and placed their trust in us.

We find the trust of our consumers our biggest success.  We have built it for decades and thanks to it we have become a leading food brand in the region. Together with our consumers, we respect the tradition and its values, and combines with latest creative methods and technological achievements we set standards and create latest market trends.

We do not have consumers – we have guests at our table.

In our business, we are guided by fundamental values that carry everything we do, what we strive for and how we want to do business is guided by our core values that. Our core values define whoe we are, what we do and how we do it:

  • Courage - we blaze new paths with brave hearts. We want to be bold in uncharted territory, responding to new challenges. We want to experiment bravely, daring to take risks to create something unique. We want to be a company with a strongly recognisable character.
  • Innovation - the feeling of butterflies when we create something completely unique. You can search all the dictionaries in the world and find within definitions of innovation, but for us the only true definition will always be that exciting feeling of butterflies in the stomach when we know we have created something truly new and unique.
  • Heritage - character shaped by our heritage. Like an invisible sculptor, heritage is what shapes us into who we are today. The character of this company was forged through a wealth of experience, through innovators who left an indelible mark and provided inspiration, enabling us to confidently face all that the future holds.
  • Quality - doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Someone once said that quality means doing the right thing while no one is looking. That's when you know, even with your eyes closed, that you've tasted something brought to your table by those who truly care about what they do.
  • Sustainability - creating a better world for generations to come. Sustainability is not just about investing in the latest technologies or turning to renewable energy sources. Sustainability is the responsibility of each of us to change our usual behaviour patterns every day, building step by step a better world for generations to come.
  • Caring - everything we do is aimed to put a smile on your face. They say that the shortest distance between two people is a smile. That's why everything we do is intended to make you smile , since we believe that you can only care for others and the community when you are close to them.

In addition to these values, we are also guided by our mission: to create a tastier world. And we always do it with heart. We are driven by the vision of improving the daily quality of life of our consumers, customers and employees through innovation and internationalisation. Given our involvement in the lives of our employees and the community as a whole, we especially cherish respect, trust, honest dialogue, collegiality and transparency.

Podravka is dedicated to doing business in line with the principles of sustainable development, where we aim for the optimal use of resources while generating minimal waste. We pay particular attention to environmental protection and to the general development of society, carefully listening to its needs.