Thank you for being with us!

24 November 2016, Zagreb, HUB385, Petračićeva u.4. Start at 9am!

Learn and prosper with Podravka!

The 4th International Corporate Conference Knowledge in focus will face the challenges and opportunities of new ways of learning and innovation in digital age. Together with world's leading lecturers and experts, learn the recipe for success from successful and innovative organizations.

How to create and build a culture of innovation?

The main topic of this year's conference is: Culture driven innovation and learning. Three narrow topics of the conference will be discussed in three sessions and sucessful examples and case studies from practice will be presented and followed by workshops:
  • 1
    transfer of knowledge and innovation between cultures and economies
  • 2
    learning, innovation and corporate culture in digital age
  • 3
    diversity and inovativeness – promoting female leadership
What is the secret?

Let yourself be inspired by the best

Along with the top quality keynote presentations and thematic panel discussions, what gives the special value to the conference are the case studies, example from practice refering to learning culture and innovation building in organizations.

Call for submission

The Conference board invite you to submit a case study for presentation at 4th International Conference Knowledge in focus If you have developed an innovative project on one of the this year's topics on learning and innovation in organisation over the last two years, you can send us your proposal indicating your preference (oral or gallery).


Food Hackathon

A month before the conference, there will be an international Food Hackathon. Within two days spent in nature students, enthusiasts, visionaries and creative people who are in love with food will join their efforts and work on innovations in the field of nutrition. The best ideas will be presented and awarded at the conference Knowledge in focus

By organizing this conference Podravka continues with the triple-helix approach and, like in the previous three conferences, promotes the importance of association with the business, academic and broader community in order to jointly create a knowledge society.

Taste the knowledge and be inspired by the best!

  • 3
    panel discussions
  • 10
  • 5
  • 10
    business cases

Attractive program and excellent food

When Podravka host the conference, visitors can count not only on the rich conference program, but also on the rich table and a good time.

How was it in last three years?

Take a look at our photo gallery and participate in making this year's memories.


join us


Considering that the number of participants is limited, we invite you to register for the conference as early as possible.



Become a partner of the 4th International Corporate Conference Knowledge in Focus!