The General Assembly

In the General Assembly shareholders exercise their voting rights in person or via agents or attorneys

Shareholders who have been entered into the computer system of the Central Depository and Clearing Company (CDCC) and have applied for participation in the General Assembly no later than on the seventh day prior to the General Assembly meeting have the to participate and vote in the General Assembly.

Shareholders, representatives and proxies vote on ballots indicating the number of votes pertaining to an individual participant in the General Assembly. In accordance with the Companies Act the General Assembly decides on profit allocation. The General Assembly shall decide on the allocation of profit to shareholders in accordance with the business results and financial position of the Company and other relevant factors.

The General Assembly can validly decide if at least 30% (thirty percent) of the total number of shares with voting rights is represented. The General Assembly is chaired by the President of the General Assembly, who is appointed by the Supervisory Board at the proposal of the Management Board.