Amendments to the Events Calendar for 2024

Pursuant to Art. 137 of the Stock Exchange Rules PODRAVKA Inc. hereby publishes its amended Events Calendar for 2024 by changing the date of publication of the Consolidated and unconsolidated Financial statements for the first half of 2024 which will be published on July 24th 2024.

Updated Events Calendar for 2024:

Publishing of Financial statements:


Unaudited consolidated and unconsolidated annual Financial statements for 2023.


Audited consolidated and unconsolidated annual Financial statements for 2023, Annual Report of the Company Management Board and Auditor's Report, Resolution proposal on the Company profit distribution for the year 2023.


Consolidated and unconsolidated Financial statements for the first quarter of 2024


Consolidated and unconsolidated Financial statements for the first half of 2024


Consolidated and unconsolidated Financial statements for the period of 1.-9.2024

General Assembly:


Dividend payment:

12.7.2024. (if confirmed by the General Assembly)

Activities related to investors:

April, 2024.

Presentation of Podravka Group's Annual Report for the year 2023

May, 2024.

Participation at Zagreb and Ljubljana Stock Exchange investments days

Information on participation in other investment conferences will be published at the time of confirmation of participation in the same.