Key indicators

Overview of key indicators for 1-12 2024

Key indicators 1-12 2024 1-12 2023 % change
Weighted average price in the period (in EUR) 157.7 129.9 21.4%
Average daily turnover in the period (in EUR000) 114.3 176.8 -35.3%
Average daily volume in the period (in units) 725 1,366 -46.9%
Key indicators 31.12.2024 31.12.2023 % change
Price per share at the end of period (in EUR) 148.5 163.0 -8.9%
Total number of issued shares 7,120,003 7,120,003 0.0%
Weighted average number of issued shares 7,043,408 7,015,732 0.4%
Market capitalization at the end of period (in EURm) 1,045.9 1,143.6 -8.5%
EV at the end of period (in EUR) 1,087.3 1,169.1 -7.0%
Earnings per share (in EUR) 9.1 6.7 35.6%
Book value per share (in EUR) 88.6 82.0 8.2%
Market capitalization / Sales revenues 1.4 1.6 -14.8%
EV / Sales revenues 1.4 1.6 -13.4%
EV / EBITDA 9.3 12.7 -26.8%
EV / EBIT 13.3 19.6 -32.2%
Price per share at the end of period / Earnings per share 16.3 24.2 -32.8%
Price per share at the end of period / Book value per share 1.7 2.0 -15.8%
Dividend per share (in EUR) 3.20 2.65
Dividend yield 2.0% 3.1%

Possible decimal differences due to rounding.
Market capitalization = Weighted average number of shares * Price per share at the end of period.
Earnings per share and book value per share calculated on the weighted average number of shares basis.
EV (Enterprise Value) = Market capitalization + Net debt + Minority interests.
Net debt = Financial debt - Cash and cash equivalents.
Book value = Total assets - Total liabilities.
Dividend yield = (Dividend per share / Price per share) * 100.