Ownership structure as of 31st of December 2024


Ownership structure Share number ownership
PBZ Croatia Osiguranje mandatory pension fund, category B 1,097,644 15.4%
AZ mandatory pension fund, category B 932,563 13.1%
RSC* - Croatian Pension Insurance Institute 727,703 10.2%
Erste Plavi mandatory pension fund, category B 638,248 9.0%
Raiffeisen mandatory pension fund, category B 625,298 8.8%
RSC* - Republic of Croatia 452,792 6.4%
Capital Fund 406,842 5.7%
Pivac Brothers Meat Industry 370,977 5.2%
Republic of Croatia 167,281 2.3%
OTP banka D.D./aggregate custody accounts 97,035 1.4%
Other shareholders 1,603,620 22.5%
Total 7,120,003 100.0%
*RSC - Restructuring and Sale Center

After the dematerialization of shares, as of November 1999, the Central Depository & Clearing Company (CDCC) is in charge of maintaining the book of shares and recording changes in the ownership of Podravka Inc. shares and on their website you can find updated status of top ten shareholders on the previous day.