OTP Bank – notice
We hereby inform you that PODRAVKA d.d. received a notice wherein OTP Bank asks PODRAVKA d.d. to make payment in amount of EUR 11.585.277,39 which, according to calculation of OTP Bank, represents the final price difference after performed transaction on the sale of 576,880 shares issued by PODRAVKA d.d
We hereby inform you that PODRAVKA d.d. received a notice wherein OTP Bank asks PODRAVKA d.d. to make payment in amount of EUR 11.585.277,39 which, according to calculation of OTP Bank, represents the final price difference after performed transaction on the sale of 576,880 shares issued by PODRAVKA d.d.
After careful consideration of received notice, PODRAVKA d.d. will decide on further action and, taking into account previously made provisions, will additionally provision approximately HRK 20 million which will burden results of 2011.