Tortilla snack

  • 45 min
Tortilla snack


  • 400 g of mixed minced meat
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • salt
  • 100 ml Passate Podravka
  • 1 tablespoon of mild Podravka ajvar
  • 230 g of canned Podravka red beans
  • 160 g of canned Podravka sweet corn
  • 150 g tortilla chips (1 pack)
  • 1 purple onion
  • 60 g cherry tomatoes
  • 2-3 young onions
  • 150 g grated semi-hard cheese (gouda, edam, cheddar,…)
  • 100 g lettuce (crystal)
  • 1 green pepper



  1. Put minced meat on the heated oil in a pan. Fry it while stirring to get a light brown color of the roasted meat.
  2. Then stir in the Passat, ajvar, drained beans and sweet corn. Add salt and simmer for ten minutes to combine the ingredients. If necessary, cover with a little water.
  3. Arrange half the amount of tortilla chips on a baking sheet (about 30 × 22 cm). Spread half of the prepared meat mixture over it. Sprinkle with half the amount of cheese.
  4. Arrange the remaining tortilla chips over the cheese, then the other part of the meat mixture, as if preparing lasagna.
  5. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 8 minutes.Remove the dish from the oven and sprinkle on the noodles with sliced lettuce, tomatoes cut in half, finely chopped purple and spring onions. Arrange sliced jalapeno peppers as well.
  6. Mix the ajvar with the cream cheese to get a dip.Place a "ball" of prepared dip in the middle of the dish and serve.

Serving: Dip tortillas with stuffing in ajvar dip and enjoy a delicious snack.

Advice: You can put a dip of ajvar on the dish with the help of an ice cream grabber.