![Potato pizza](https://piovariations.cdn.podravka.net/f978b8e0-b3c6-11eb-96dc-e649294ed58f/v/f2b1f6a6-64bc-11eb-b6c2-0242ac130010/1024x768-f2b21802-64bc-11eb-a115-0242ac130010.jpeg)
Wash and dry potatoes well. Slice potatoes and rub surfaces with Vegeta Natur universal. Add water to a baking dish to cover the bottom, add potatoes and bake for 30 minutes at 200°C. Remove potatoes. On each slice add a slice of ham. Add some olive oil to pureed tomatoes and stir well. Add some on top of ham. Sprinkle each potato with grated mozzarella and bake again another 7 minutes, until cheese is melted.
Serving: Serve immediately with a glass of beer.
Advice: The best potatoes for this different type of pizza are Lika potatoes.