Health and safety at work system policy
The commitment to reducing potential risks to health and safety at work is an integral part of Podravka's business activities, through which we build a safe and healthy environment for our employees and other stakeholders..
By managing the established occupational health and safety system, Podravka has the need and desire to continuously promote a culture of health and safety at work, by applying and improving the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard and its principles, committing to:
- protect the health of all employees by providing a safe and healthy working environment
- provide all necessary resources for the continuous improvement of the occupational health and safety management system, taking into account the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties in accordance with their own context;
- to continuously train, improve and educate employees and thus ensure better competencies of employees and spread awareness of occupational health and safety
- to carry out risk and opportunity assessments of the health and safety management system, to identify and eliminate hazards, and to minimize and control risks to the health and safety of our employees
- operate in accordance with the fundamental values of Podravka, legal and regulatory requirements, applicable regulations, implemented standards and recognized rules of occupational safety
- implement the set goals of occupational health and safety and monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of the set goals of occupational health and safety that are aligned with the overall strategic goals of the company, thus ensuring continuous improvement of the entire system
- transparent communication and understanding of the needs and expectations of all interested parties to enable their participation in the process of improving the occupational health and safety management system
- to inform all stakeholders of the occupational health and safety system in a timely manner about the safety and health risks to which they may be exposed at Podravka's workplaces
- provide additional health care for employees in order to maintain health and working ability
With the provisions of this Policy, we encourage stakeholders in the occupational health and safety system to actively act and take responsibility for the aspects of occupational health and safety over which they have personal control and authority or to which they act through authorized persons and workers' commissioners for occupational safety.
By actively assessing the effectiveness and continuously investing in measures to improve the system of health and safety at work, the Management Board of Podravka ensures the preconditions for achieving the goals defined by this Policy.