Podravka presents its Sustainable Development Report for 2005

Podravka's Sustainable Development Report for 2005 is Podravka's first report on sustainable development made in compliance to global standards for reporting about sustainability, i.e. according to Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) from 2002. This new Report holds information about Podravka's business and achieved economic, environmental and social effects in the year 2005.

Council hall of Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Zagreb was today a venue for presentation of Podravka’s Sustainable Development Report for 2005. Podravka as the only Croatian member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development is required to publish this report which was presented today by the Board president Darko Marinac and Mirjana Matešić, director of HRPSOR (Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development). They have pointed out the exceptional value of this Report printed on environmentally-friendly paper in Croatian and English language. The design and production is signed by Skin29, an agency from Koprivnica.

Podravka’s Sustainable Development Report for 2005 is Podravka’s first report on sustainable development made in compliance to global standards for reporting about sustainability, i.e. according to Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) from 2002. This new Report holds information about Podravka’s business and achieved economic, environmental and social effects in the year 2005. Integrating GRI indicators, this Report represents a big step for the company which is thanks to it placed among European and world trends, justifying the image of a global company and a leader of Croatian economy on world markets.

Aware of the importance of establishing balance among all aspects of its activities, Podravka works from its beginning as a responsible and proactive society member on subjects of economic development, environment protection and promotion of quality living in the community. Podravka’s sustainable business is more than just traditional expressing of business results by increasing revenues and creating profit for shareholders and other stakeholders. The new paradigm includes the success of social community and all interested participants.

The audience interested in the results of company’s business widens and reaches much further than the investment public. The stakeholders are growing in number and they are not interested only in economic indicators but also in the manner the business is conducted and how it influences nature, society on the large and small scale. It is for that reason that Podravka’s Sustainable Development Report for 2005 includes overall span of company’s activities and operations, as well as all the relations the company builds in the process.

Being one of the leading food companies in the region and a pharmaceutical company that with its recognizable partnership approach achieves more and working in sync with nature and community is Podravka’s imperative. Endeavoring to outline the slogan "Always with a heart!" in every aspect of its activities, Podravka has gained a status of socially responsible company and is not only in Croatia but also abroad known for its striving to high economic, social and ecological standards.